Saturday, June 10, 2006

Puppy Attack

If you are at all squeamish, especially in regard to animals, small animals, do not read any further.

Really. Because we're going to be discussing dead puppies. So if you don't want to hear it, skip this entry.

OK then.

In today's news a woman in Missouri attacked another woman with a dead puppy. Read the link. See for yourself.

But what I find interesting is that it was a Chihuahua. Four weeks old. And sickly. A Chihuahua is barely the size of a rat to begin with. So a baby Chihuahua couldn't have been any bigger than a fieldmouse. So was she swinging it by it's tiny tail? It would be like swinging an uncooked bratwurst. Or did she hold it inside her fist like a roll of quarters? Because if she did that it could get squished and you'd have puppy smoosh all over your hand.

What I'm saying is that as a weapon, a dead Chihuahua puppy is about on par with a squirt gun or soft pillows.

One time, though, I dropped a 245 lb. Siberian Husky on a dude. Or did I?

Update!: Then there's this front page story fron the New York Post.

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