Thursday, June 08, 2006

I'm taking the easy shot.

Sure, finding something stupid in a local news promo is like shooting cheese in a barrel. But who doesn't love a barrel of cheese.

In a promo for a local news cast tonight, the newscaster promised the story of a young girl who "saved her sister from certain death."

"Certain death" means there's no saving. Death is certain. You can save someone from "Almost Certain Death," or "Near Certain Death," or "99% Certain Death," but if you're in a situation that is truly considered "Certain Death" then you can't be saved. It's certain.

This one is for the copyeditors.


Cake said...

The only thing that would make that better is if it said something like, "She literally moved heaven and earth to save her sister from certain death."


I Ain't No Oprah said...

It WAS certain death had the sister not come along to save her.

I'm almost always right about this kinda stuff. Sometimes.

Cake said...

NoOprah just literally made gingerale come out my nose.