Saturday, May 27, 2006

Medieval Woman / Medieval Parkinglot

So I was meeting Dr. S_____ at the movies, for "X3: I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch" and, because we're American, we arrived in separate cars. It's Friday night, so the lot on Flutie Pass is very crowded. (The name of the street is unimportant, but I'm not sure whether it's greatest street name ever or the stupidest.) Due to my Brooklyn honed parking skills, I score a space near the front on the first lap. S______ ends up in the auxilliary lot, which is on the other side of Flutie Pass, far, far away.

The best part is, as we leave, I go to my car, get in, start driving out, and as I'm exiting onto F.P., there's S_____, still on foot, waiting to cross the street to the AuxParkLot. So I honk to get his attention, give a friendly wave and laugh and laugh all the way home.

Which takes me over an hour because I had to get milk and nothing's open in Framingham past 11.


I Ain't No Oprah said...

You forgot to mention that Dr. S found a crisp twenty dollar bill in said far away parking lot.


Anonymous said...

Those arent pillows!

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

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