Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"It's Kill Or Be Kicked!"

"A 6-year-old special education student who kicked a Naples teacher's aide and spent several hours in juvenile jail is facing felony battery charges."

I mean, really, it's not like she kicked a full-on teacher, it was just a teacher's aide!

But what were they thinking. They called the police on a 6-year-old! Who was in special ed! Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't have discipline. Toss the kid from school if you need to, make the parents take time off of work to take care of it. But it's not a police matter. Last week, I spent some time thinking about the 8-year-old who accidentally killed another kid by playing around in a school bus, and I wasn't sure if someone that age could be held responsible. And in that case, someone was dead. In this case, it doesn't sound like there was more than maybe a bruise. (How much damage could a 6-year-old girl do?) And they called the police and sent her to jail.

The linked article (via Drudge, of course) doesn't have much information. Maybe there's more to the story. Maybe she had those Rosa Kleb dagger shoes and was working for the KGB. If I was the policeman called to the scene I would have arrested the school administrator instead for filing an idiotic report.

Zero Tolerance is a terrible idea created by people who don't want to take the responsibility for making decisions. Isn't tolerance supposed to be a good thing?

Ahhh....Who am I kidding...I just wanted to use the headline "It's Kill Or Be Kicked!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.