Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Vole Kill Wombat!

Yes. The Vole has a natural enemy. The Wombat will burn in hell.


Cake said...

It's Raccoon Week, Clinky...not Vole/Wombat Week. Sheesh, get with the program!

Sparkle Plenty said...

Holy Guacamole! That poor little wombat! Who knew there was some kinda east coast/west coast rap war goin' on between the two of them there varmints?!

My money's on the wombat. The vole is wily, yet the wombat has mad multi-tasking skills...Like: He will alphabetize the HECK out of that vole!

How's that weather guy doing anyway? How's Fred? And, would he win in vole-to-Fred combat?!