Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Two Unrelated Stories

Story 1. A Thanksgiving Miracle.

So, I spent Thanksgiving day at the home of my friends P_____ and K_____. We have another friend C______, who works at the same place P and I do. (I is me, not an initial.) C could not make it on Thanksgiving day, but would be at their house the following day.

P and K's house sits right on the Hudson river, and there's a ramp with a little inlet there. On Thursday, it had been raining, the river was high, and, as sometimes happens, a large driftwood log had gotten stuck in the inlet. I like to be a helpful guest, so I got a piece of rope, snagged the log and dragged it out to float away down the river.

"I'd like to see C do that," I said as I went back in the house.

Well, it turns out the next day, after I had left, C ended up doing the same thing. Dragging a log, with a rope, out of the inlet.

I was talking to C at work today, and the subject of the logs came up, and I said "Well I'm sure my log was much bigger."

"No way. My log was huge."

"There's no way your log was bigger than mine."

We called P.

"Whose log was bigger?"

"You'll have to ask K. She's the one who really got a good look at both logs."

We haven't heard from K yet. Or from the guy who sits in the cube next to C's.

Story 2. Unrelated to the above.

About 20 years ago, I was in a movie theater lobby. A couple was standing nearby, looking at posters of upcoming movies. The woman said to the man, after seeing a particular poster, "Karate Kid 2!? Is nothing sacred?"

I thought to myself "Yeah, I guess if only one thing could remain sacred it would be the Karate Kid."

That woman probably had a stroke when they made Hilary Swank "The Next Karate Kid"

Wax on. Wax off...

Note To Commenters:

Please don't leave the comment "I heard that same conversation coming out of the Men's Room."

Nobody talks about the Karate Kid in the Men's Room. It is at least that sacred.


Sam said...

Why do many of your friends only have a first initial?

Anonymous said...

well, I have a photo of log #1... the other K

Anonymous said...

Sea lovers worldwide know that there is only one log in the ocean and it has a fondness for that particular inlet.

Check it out today: same log, same inlet, different guy with rope liberating it.