Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Obscure Fred Broski Reference

Before we start, we have a special announcement: We have created a special logo for all Fred Broski related posts for this blog. When you see the logo, you'll know the post is going to be Broski-related.

Now, without further ado, here is our "Broski -- News Alert!" logo:

And now for our obscure Fred Broski reference, from the internet.

Today's reference comes from "The Cult," the website of author Chuck Palahniuk. He wrote "Fight Club." The book that the movie was based on.

Deep in one of the discussion threads a poster named "Chixulub" writes:

"I wonder what Shadov would make of Fred Broski's Polish Sausage (available in Mildski and Hotski)..."

Nathaniel Parker replies:

"is that a dick joke?"

Chixulub explains:

"Nope. They don't list it specifically on their web site, but it's an offering of Fritz's Meats. Local news guy (weather? sports? I forget) named Fred Broski got in touch with his Polish heritage. I think he made a trip back to the strange land called Poland and was surprised by how the sausage there wasn't anything like a Polish you'd get in the states.
So I guess he dusted of Grandmaski's recipe or whatever and had enough juice to get Fritz's to try it out on us. It's strange stuff, if they still make it. Very, very lean, it scorches easily because there's hardly any fat in it. And tons of seasoning even in the Mildski.
So I really do wonder what Shadov would make of the stuff. If it's super authentic or just a bunch of shuck and jive."

1 comment:

Greg said...

Is Bowling for Dollars with Fred Broski the greatest show on television ever?