Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Parking Etiquette

Leaving my apartment today, I passed a car parked with a note in the window that said "We use 1 space, not 2 on this block!" The car was, in fact, parked in the middle what seemed to be enough space for two cars. But on my block there are no lines painted, there are no defined spaces. You park starting at the crosswalk at the end, you can't park in front of the fire hydrant, and you squeeze in as best you can. Because of varying sizes of cars, (SUV-driving bastards!) the location of the spaces is fluid. Because my neighborhood has good public transportation, people tend to leave their cars for several days in a row. So it's possible that the car with the note was parked nicely between to cars with very little space to spare, and through the parking and un-parking of cars of different sizes around it, it came to appear to be taking up two spaces.

Either that, or whoever parked it is a giant douchebag.

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