Sunday, April 30, 2006

If There's Time To Lean, There's Time To Clean

So according to the New York Daily News, President Bush spoke out against a Spanish version of the National Anthem that someone is producing. I'm not here to argue that we particularly need a Spanish version of The Star Spangly Banner. Maybe it's a good idea, maybe it's a bad idea. But doesn't the President have other things to worry about.
Like flag burning.
Terri Schiavo.
Natalee Holloway.
The War on Christmas.
Foie gras. The city of Chicago recently passed a ban on selling the delicious livers of cruelly force fed geese. Apparently liberals have idiotic time-wasting issues too.
Now, nobody likes dissecting idiotic minutiae better than me. (See pretty much every previous entry.) But W. should be talking about his favorite songs on his blog, or while sitting around having beers with his oil buddies, (in between dividing up gasoline profits) not while speaking publicly in his official capacity as our elected leader.

1 comment:

I Ain't No Oprah said...

I think there should be an Iragi version of our National Anthem.

Bombs bursting in air....