Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Actual Comic Book Panels

This one is from "Ultimate Spider-Man," issue 97, "The Clone Saga: Part 1." (page 4)

That's Peter Parker, of course, and his Aunt May. Apparently, she's made genetic duplicates of our boy "Hoagy." Don't touch them with your filthy spider-hands, though.

And just for the hell of it, here's this picture again:


Cake said...

Oooh I went to school once with a kid who had hoagies. He had to stay home for a week and the school nurse had to check all our hair for...what?


Oh, never mind then.

Anonymous said...

You know, X-Ray vision would suck if you couldnt control the depth. Everything would look clear, you'd bump into stuff.

Cake said...

That's why x-ray vision combined with being able to walk through stuff is the best power.

Anonymous said...

I wish my name was Hoagy.