Saturday, May 13, 2006

You can't spell "Consarn it!" without "nsa"

A few months ago we heard about the NSA listening to calls from the U.S. to other countries, and more recently, keeping track of who's calling who everywhere.

So what's wrong with that? Don't you want to be safe?

First of all, there's a reason "Land of the free" is followed by "Home of the brave."

Because freedom isn't for cowards. If you're so afraid that you're willing to give up your rights in exchange for the government's protection, move to China.

"Well, they're only listening to calls from terrorists!"

Here's the problem I have with that. If it's true, then I think we're going too easy on the terrorists. If we know which calls are from terrorists, we should be able to find the terrorist, and maybe instead of listening to their phone calls I think we should just kill them.

"Well, tracking who we call doesn't really deprive us of any freedom."

But isn't that the point of it? The government's justification for collecting the information is that it will lead to capturing terrorists. And "capturing them" is another way of saying "depriving them of their freedom." So it stands to reason that if collecting their phone records can lead to depriving terrorists of their freedom, it can also lead to depriving all of us of our freedom.

"Give me liberty, or give me death!"

1 comment:

I Ain't No Oprah said...

If you don't like America you can always move out.